The Random Musings of a Man

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Being sick sucks

Well I think we can all agree with the title of this update, being sick really does suck. Well I got good news and bad news this week. First off the bad news, I was really looking forward to July 21-23rd when I was going to get to go back to Colorado and go racing with my Dad, but he has decided to take the year off from racing. So now I have to figure out what I want to do to get my racing fix in this year. Good news! I gots me some money, 600 dollars to be exact, from my tax returns which are definitely going to be going to good use!

An update on School, I am in Auto Trannies class (for a school known as NASCAR Tech, sure aren't doing much NASCAR stuff) and I have to say I'm having a blast! Hopefully I can get to school ontime (Academic Probation sucks) for the next 2 weeks and get off this probation stuff.


  • BILL! Academic probabtion?! I'm ashamed of you! But if you're having fun in class, hopefully you will go. But yay for money! And get to class ontime! :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 PM, April 27, 2005  

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