Don't ask but I guess this could be called an intro
1. Nickname: Destructo, Winder, Duck,
2. Occupation: Student/Mattress assembler
3. Height: 6'1"
4. Hair Color: Blonde
5. Eye Color: Blue
6. Where were you born: Littleton, Colorado
7. Where do you live now: Cornelius, North Carolina
8. Where do you wanna live: right where I am now
9. What is your Blogger name: Billwalter
10. Pets: none here, 2 dogs back at home
11. Piercings: none
12. Tatoo's: none
13. Righty or lefty: Lefty (semi ambidextrous)
14. Wearing: pants and 2004 Daytona 500 T-Shirt
15. Hearing: Just what I needed from the Cars
16. Feeling: Pissed off that the Busch cars can't run a race without trying to wreck half the field
17. Eating/Drinking: nothing
18. Have you ever been in love: I think so
19. How many people have told you I love you: A couple
20. How many people have you been in love with: one I thought
21. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: nope
22. Do you have any nieces or nephew's: nope
23. Do you have any stepparents: yep
24. Has a family member ever disowned another family member of your family: nope
25. Did some of your family come to America from another country: Yeah
26. What song was written about your life: Time By Pink Floyd
27. Most Embarasing CD you own: I'm not embarassed about any of my CD's cause well I don't have many
28. Whats the Best CD you own: Darkside of the Moon Pink Floyd
29. What song do you absolutely hate: I dunno
30. Do you sing in the shower: no
31. What song reminds you of that Special someone: which special someone?
32. What color are your sheets: blue
33. What color are your bedroom walls: white
34. Do you have Posters on your wall: no but I need to get get some on there
35. Do you have a TV in your room: yes
36. How many Pillows are on your bed: 2
37. What do you normally sleep in: Pajama Pants
38. What are your favorite pair of Pajamas: Polarbears!
39. What size bed do you have: I dunno actually I can't remember
40. Do you have a water/bunk bed: nope
41. Do you have a Phone line in your bedroom: Cell phone only mangs
42. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep: only way for me to fall asleep sometimes
43. Describe the last nightmare you had: don't remember them
44. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
45. How many people can you sleep comfortably in your bed: two maybe
46. Do you sleep in uncomfortable positions: umm I don't think so
47. Do you share your room with a sibling: nope
48. Do you snore: people say that I do I don't believe em
49. How about drool: depends on how tired I was when I went to sleep.
50. Do you have an alarm clock in your room: I need it too!
51. What color is the carpet in your room: beige
52. What's under your bed: nothing actually
53. Color: Blue
54. Food: Italian/American
55. Song right now: Brain damage/Eclpise Pink Floyd
56. Show: Family Guy
57. School subject: anything racing Related
58. Band(s): Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, CCR, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix
59. Singer: I dunno actually
60. Animal: Dog
61. Outfit: kahki's and a Polo shirt
62. Radio station 103.5 FM the Fox in Denver and 99.7 the Fox in Charlotte
63. Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
64. Pair of Shoes: the ones on my feet
65. cartoon: the old school Looney Toons
66. Actor: Nicholas Cage
67. Actress: umm, umm whoever is purdy in the movie I'm watching.
68. Chip: Pringles rule!
69. Drink: Pepsi products
70. alcoholic beverage: not old enough to know
71. Holiday: which ever one is closest at the time
72. perfume: whichever one smells good
73. cologne: whichever one smells good
74. Pizza topping: Sausage
75. Jello Flavor: orange
76. Lunch meat: Ham
77. Board Game: Monopoly
78. Video Game: none
79. Website:
80. Book: Don't have one
81. Computer Game: NASCAR Racing 2003 Season
82. Number: 98
83. Cereal: Froot Loops!
84. Comedian: George Carlin
85. Dessert: Chocolate Cake!
86. Disney Character: the easy one Mickey Mouse
87. Colothing Store: Target
88. Pasttime: racing
89. Teacher: Mr. Wilson
90. Childhood toy: Racecars
91. Carnival Game: Hate carnival games
92. Carnival ride:: Rollercoasters
93. Candy Bar: Butterfinger
94. Magazine: Circle Track
95. Salad dressing: Ranch
96. Things to do on Weekends: Racing, friends, racing!
97. Hot drink: Hot Chocolate
98. Season: Summer
99. Sport to watch: Racing
100. Person to talk to online: anybody, I like talking to anybody online
This or that
101. Beach/mountains-Mountains
102. Dounts/bagels-donuts
103. Day/Night-Day
104. Heaven/hell-heaven
105. Make love/have sex-have sex
106. Coffee/tea-neither
107. Britney/Christina-Britney
108. Swiss cheese/American Cheese-American
109. Real world/Road rules- neither
110. Backstreet Boys/ N*sync-neither
111. Silver/Gold-gold
112. Nike/Addidas-nike
113. sweet/sour-sweet
114. hot/cold-I'll take cold over hot its easier to warm up than it is to cool off
115. winter/summer-summer
116. spring/fall- spring
117. operas/plays-plays
118. read/watch tv-watch tv
119. cd's/tapes-cd's
120. dvd's/vhs-dvd's
121. old/new-new
122. shorts/skirts -shorts for wearin skirts for starin
123. pink/red-red
124. colored pictures/b&w photos-b&w done right looks really cool
125. meat/veggies-meat
126. mexican/chinese food-mexican
127. commercials/infomercials-neither I'd rather have paid product placement than those two
128. scary movies/comedies-comedies
129. bikini's/one piece bathing suits- bikini's
130. sandals/tennis shoes- tennis shoes
131. dogs/cats-dogs
132. unicorns/fairies-wtf?
133. land/water-land
134. Sugar/spice-spice
135. black/white-white
136. Ribbons/bows-bows
137. chicken/beef-beef
138. colored/white Christmas lights- depends on applications of the lights
139. cars/trucks-cars
140. Austin Powers/James Bond-Bond
questions 141-149 are silly
150. popcorn/pretzels-popcorn
151. passionate kiss/peck-passion of the kiss
152. back rub/foot massage- back rub
153. picture frames/photo albums-frames
154. pens/pencils-pencils
155. Eminem: blah
156. J.Lo: meh
157. Christina Aguilera's comeback: must not have worked cause I ain't heard about it
158. The Osborne's: ugh
159. Reality TV: eliminate!
160. Country Music: its okay
161. God: why did he leave me with all the crazy people!
162. Religion: keep the sheep inline
163: Vrigins: and?
164. Pre-marital sex: I'd prefer saving it for marriage
165. Abortion: I'll take the 5th
166. Cloning: see #165
167. Inter-racial relationships: your deal isn't my deal
168. homosexuals: see #167
169. Threesomes: depends on situation
170. pornography: don't wanna see it don't go looking for it.
171. prostitution: not going here
172. murder: not cool
173. death: not a fun event
174. obesity: eat less food!
175. terrorist: one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, its all about positioning
176. fortune tellers: amazing how inaccurate they are
177. politics: meh
178. Valentine's Day: what's the big deal?
Name game:
179. Jack: Sprague
180. Tiffany: isn't that some fine jewelry company?
181. Ben: Franklin
182. Maria: My Grandma
183. Jennifer: Anniston
184. Adam: Sandler
185. Brittany: One of my best friends
186. Justin: Allgaier!
187. Arnold: Palmer
188. Tom: idk
189. Charlotte: Big city I live near
190. John: Metcalf
191. Joel: Billy
192. Liberty: Bell
193. Michelle: idk
194. Billy: evil name that people call me
195. Sarah: cool friend from Alabama
196. Breanna: umm
Have you ever
197. mooned someone: nope
198. been on a diet: yeah
199. been to a foreign country: nope
200. Broken a bone: cracked a rib
201. swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: nope
202. swear at a teaher: nope
203. talked to a blogger friend via email's or Instant Messengers? yeah
204. Got in a fight: yep
205. Dated a teacher: nope
206. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: close
207. thought about killing your enemy: nope
208. gone skinny dipping: nope
209. met a blogger friend in the flesh: nope
210. Told a white lie: how white are we talking?
211. told a secret you swore not to tell: nope
212. stolen anything: once
213. misused an swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: can't say that I have
214. Been on TV: nope
215. Been on Radio: nope
216. Been in a mosh pit: nope
217. Been to a concert: nope
218. Been to a rodeo: nope
219. Been on a talk show: nope
220. Been on a game show: nope
221. Been on an airplane: yeah
222. Been arrested: nope
223. Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name: nope
224. Dated one of your best friends: nope
225. Loved someone so much it made you cry: can't say that I have
226. Decieved someone close to you: yeah but only to protect them and myself
227. Broken the law: do it every day on the Highway
228. Got to ride on a fire truck: nope
229. came close to dying: yeah
230. Cheated on a b/f g/f: nope
231. Gave someone a piggyback ride: yeah
232. Terrorized a baby sitter: I had cool babysitters
233. Made a mud pie: nope
234. Had a dream you were falling off a cliff: nope
235. Snuck out of the house at night: yep
236. Had a eating disorder: nope
237. Felt like you didn't belong: when don't I
238. Felt like a 3rd Wheel: see #237
239. Had your tonsils removed: nope
240. Gone to Camp: nope
241. Won a bet: yep
242. Written a love letter: nope
243. Written a love poem: nope
244. gone out of your way to be with the one you love: nope
Questions 245-254 are sillier than the rest of these or somebody can't count
255. Kissed in the rain: nope
256. Slow danced with someone you love: nope
257. Stolen a kiss: nope
258. Asked a friend for relationship advice: yep
259. Had a friend steal your g/f b/f: nope
260. Watched a sunrise/sunset with someone you love: not at the moment
261. Gotten a speeding ticket: nope
262. Done jail time: nope
263. Had to wear a uniform to work: yep
264. Won a trophy: yep
265. Thrown up in public: nope
266. Bowled a perfect game: not yet
267. Failed/got held back: unfortunately
268. Got perfect attendance in grade school: yeah right
269. Roasted Pumpkin seeds: no. should I?
270. Taken ballet lessons: nope
271. Attempted Suicide: nope
272. Cut yourself: on accident
273. Did you play with Barbie's: nope
274. Did you own Troll's: yep
275. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: nope
276. Did you play Simon Says: un huh
277. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: nope
278: Did you wet the bed: I don't remember or I don't wanna remember
279. Did you believe that there were monsters in the closet or under the bed: nope
280. Did you wear underwear with days of the week on em: nope
281. Did you go to the circus: not til I was 15
282. Did you go to the zoo: yep
283. Did you build snowmen: yeah
284. Did you cry when you scraped your knees: you would too!
285. Did you think Slinkies were cool: they still are!
286. Did you think the Ninja Turtles lived in the sewer: you mean they don't?
287. Did you have slumber parties: un huh
288. Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, curtains and well anything: nope
289. Did you drink out of a sippie cup: nope
290. Did you belive in the Easter Bunny/Santa Clause/Tooth Fairy: well who doesn't at 2 or 3?
291. Were you Shy: still am
292. Were you spoiled: no
293. Were you abused: no
294. Were you in a car accident: nope
295. Were your older cousins mean to you: nope
296. Were you afraid of the dark: no
297. Do you believe in Aliens: something has to explain my family
298. Do you believe in Bigfoot: the Monster Truck!
299. Do you have any hidden talents: well if they are hidden then I don't know em now do I?
300. Do you wish that MTV wouldn't play music videos: MTV whats that?
301. Do you play sports: racing counts!
302. Do you believe in God: saved me on many occasions
303. Do you believe in Santa: only when I get stuff
304. Do you believe there is a Heaven: well I'd hate to think all this is for nothing
305. Do you believe in Hell: Don't wanna find out
306. Do you own a pool table: I wish I did but I dunno where I'd put it.
307. Do you have a Pool: right outside my window I see one
308. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yep!
309. Do you like Chocolate: sure do!
310. Do you need therapy: people claim I do
311. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance: nope
312. Do you think your good looking: somedays
313. Do you drive: yes
314. Do you like to burn candles or incense: ewww
315. Do you do yoga: nope
316. Do you have your own credit card: yeah
317. Do you have a checkbook: ya
318. Do you Tan easily: yep, burn quick too
319. Do you untie your shoes when you take em off everytime: nope
320. Do you carry weapons on you: nope
321. Do you catch yourself using online terms in realife: nope
322. Are you an artistic person: I'd like to think so
323. Are you a realistic person: my strong suit
324. Are you a strong person physically: I think so
325. Are you a strong person emotionally: I'd say so
326. Are you a deep sleeper: yeah
327. Are you a likeable person: supposedly
328. Are you a good story teller: not really
329. What do you think people think of you: too much thinking!
330. What would your movie star name be: William Walter
331. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: too many to list
332. What is your dream car: umm I dunno
333. What is the natural color of your hair: blonde
334. What is on your 2004 calendar: I dunno I threw it away.
335. What is your ideal way to die: old and happy
336. What is your weakness: emotions
337. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen: I dunno
338. How do you release stress: Go Karts have never seen such punishment, hehe
339. How many Fillings do you have: 3
340. How many fillings did you have on your last dental visit: none
341. How many kids do you want to have: I dunno
342. How many CD's do you own: less than 20
343. Would you ever sky dive: I dunno the plane seemed like a nice place to stay
344. If you were to star in a movie what kind would it be: A comedy
345. are you afraid of Rollercoasters: was, but 2001 changed all that
346. Wished on a shooting star: nope
347. Best Halloween Costume you wore: Driving Suit
348. Name someone or something you can't get enough of: Racing!
349. Describe yourself in three adjectives: Determined, shy, fun
350. Future Daughters names: wha?
351. Future Sons names: see #350
352. Worst feeling in the world: lonlieness
353. Best feeling in the world: winning at something you have worked hard at.
354. Last thing you downloaded: MSN Messenger 7.0
355. Three things next to your computer: picture of my family, miniature aluminum race jack, TV
2. Occupation: Student/Mattress assembler
3. Height: 6'1"
4. Hair Color: Blonde
5. Eye Color: Blue
6. Where were you born: Littleton, Colorado
7. Where do you live now: Cornelius, North Carolina
8. Where do you wanna live: right where I am now
9. What is your Blogger name: Billwalter
10. Pets: none here, 2 dogs back at home
11. Piercings: none
12. Tatoo's: none
13. Righty or lefty: Lefty (semi ambidextrous)
14. Wearing: pants and 2004 Daytona 500 T-Shirt
15. Hearing: Just what I needed from the Cars
16. Feeling: Pissed off that the Busch cars can't run a race without trying to wreck half the field
17. Eating/Drinking: nothing
18. Have you ever been in love: I think so
19. How many people have told you I love you: A couple
20. How many people have you been in love with: one I thought
21. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: nope
22. Do you have any nieces or nephew's: nope
23. Do you have any stepparents: yep
24. Has a family member ever disowned another family member of your family: nope
25. Did some of your family come to America from another country: Yeah
26. What song was written about your life: Time By Pink Floyd
27. Most Embarasing CD you own: I'm not embarassed about any of my CD's cause well I don't have many
28. Whats the Best CD you own: Darkside of the Moon Pink Floyd
29. What song do you absolutely hate: I dunno
30. Do you sing in the shower: no
31. What song reminds you of that Special someone: which special someone?
32. What color are your sheets: blue
33. What color are your bedroom walls: white
34. Do you have Posters on your wall: no but I need to get get some on there
35. Do you have a TV in your room: yes
36. How many Pillows are on your bed: 2
37. What do you normally sleep in: Pajama Pants
38. What are your favorite pair of Pajamas: Polarbears!
39. What size bed do you have: I dunno actually I can't remember
40. Do you have a water/bunk bed: nope
41. Do you have a Phone line in your bedroom: Cell phone only mangs
42. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep: only way for me to fall asleep sometimes
43. Describe the last nightmare you had: don't remember them
44. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
45. How many people can you sleep comfortably in your bed: two maybe
46. Do you sleep in uncomfortable positions: umm I don't think so
47. Do you share your room with a sibling: nope
48. Do you snore: people say that I do I don't believe em
49. How about drool: depends on how tired I was when I went to sleep.
50. Do you have an alarm clock in your room: I need it too!
51. What color is the carpet in your room: beige
52. What's under your bed: nothing actually
53. Color: Blue
54. Food: Italian/American
55. Song right now: Brain damage/Eclpise Pink Floyd
56. Show: Family Guy
57. School subject: anything racing Related
58. Band(s): Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, CCR, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix
59. Singer: I dunno actually
60. Animal: Dog
61. Outfit: kahki's and a Polo shirt
62. Radio station 103.5 FM the Fox in Denver and 99.7 the Fox in Charlotte
63. Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
64. Pair of Shoes: the ones on my feet
65. cartoon: the old school Looney Toons
66. Actor: Nicholas Cage
67. Actress: umm, umm whoever is purdy in the movie I'm watching.
68. Chip: Pringles rule!
69. Drink: Pepsi products
70. alcoholic beverage: not old enough to know
71. Holiday: which ever one is closest at the time
72. perfume: whichever one smells good
73. cologne: whichever one smells good
74. Pizza topping: Sausage
75. Jello Flavor: orange
76. Lunch meat: Ham
77. Board Game: Monopoly
78. Video Game: none
79. Website:
80. Book: Don't have one
81. Computer Game: NASCAR Racing 2003 Season
82. Number: 98
83. Cereal: Froot Loops!
84. Comedian: George Carlin
85. Dessert: Chocolate Cake!
86. Disney Character: the easy one Mickey Mouse
87. Colothing Store: Target
88. Pasttime: racing
89. Teacher: Mr. Wilson
90. Childhood toy: Racecars
91. Carnival Game: Hate carnival games
92. Carnival ride:: Rollercoasters
93. Candy Bar: Butterfinger
94. Magazine: Circle Track
95. Salad dressing: Ranch
96. Things to do on Weekends: Racing, friends, racing!
97. Hot drink: Hot Chocolate
98. Season: Summer
99. Sport to watch: Racing
100. Person to talk to online: anybody, I like talking to anybody online
This or that
101. Beach/mountains-Mountains
102. Dounts/bagels-donuts
103. Day/Night-Day
104. Heaven/hell-heaven
105. Make love/have sex-have sex
106. Coffee/tea-neither
107. Britney/Christina-Britney
108. Swiss cheese/American Cheese-American
109. Real world/Road rules- neither
110. Backstreet Boys/ N*sync-neither
111. Silver/Gold-gold
112. Nike/Addidas-nike
113. sweet/sour-sweet
114. hot/cold-I'll take cold over hot its easier to warm up than it is to cool off
115. winter/summer-summer
116. spring/fall- spring
117. operas/plays-plays
118. read/watch tv-watch tv
119. cd's/tapes-cd's
120. dvd's/vhs-dvd's
121. old/new-new
122. shorts/skirts -shorts for wearin skirts for starin
123. pink/red-red
124. colored pictures/b&w photos-b&w done right looks really cool
125. meat/veggies-meat
126. mexican/chinese food-mexican
127. commercials/infomercials-neither I'd rather have paid product placement than those two
128. scary movies/comedies-comedies
129. bikini's/one piece bathing suits- bikini's
130. sandals/tennis shoes- tennis shoes
131. dogs/cats-dogs
132. unicorns/fairies-wtf?
133. land/water-land
134. Sugar/spice-spice
135. black/white-white
136. Ribbons/bows-bows
137. chicken/beef-beef
138. colored/white Christmas lights- depends on applications of the lights
139. cars/trucks-cars
140. Austin Powers/James Bond-Bond
questions 141-149 are silly
150. popcorn/pretzels-popcorn
151. passionate kiss/peck-passion of the kiss
152. back rub/foot massage- back rub
153. picture frames/photo albums-frames
154. pens/pencils-pencils
155. Eminem: blah
156. J.Lo: meh
157. Christina Aguilera's comeback: must not have worked cause I ain't heard about it
158. The Osborne's: ugh
159. Reality TV: eliminate!
160. Country Music: its okay
161. God: why did he leave me with all the crazy people!
162. Religion: keep the sheep inline
163: Vrigins: and?
164. Pre-marital sex: I'd prefer saving it for marriage
165. Abortion: I'll take the 5th
166. Cloning: see #165
167. Inter-racial relationships: your deal isn't my deal
168. homosexuals: see #167
169. Threesomes: depends on situation
170. pornography: don't wanna see it don't go looking for it.
171. prostitution: not going here
172. murder: not cool
173. death: not a fun event
174. obesity: eat less food!
175. terrorist: one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, its all about positioning
176. fortune tellers: amazing how inaccurate they are
177. politics: meh
178. Valentine's Day: what's the big deal?
Name game:
179. Jack: Sprague
180. Tiffany: isn't that some fine jewelry company?
181. Ben: Franklin
182. Maria: My Grandma
183. Jennifer: Anniston
184. Adam: Sandler
185. Brittany: One of my best friends
186. Justin: Allgaier!
187. Arnold: Palmer
188. Tom: idk
189. Charlotte: Big city I live near
190. John: Metcalf
191. Joel: Billy
192. Liberty: Bell
193. Michelle: idk
194. Billy: evil name that people call me
195. Sarah: cool friend from Alabama
196. Breanna: umm
Have you ever
197. mooned someone: nope
198. been on a diet: yeah
199. been to a foreign country: nope
200. Broken a bone: cracked a rib
201. swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: nope
202. swear at a teaher: nope
203. talked to a blogger friend via email's or Instant Messengers? yeah
204. Got in a fight: yep
205. Dated a teacher: nope
206. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: close
207. thought about killing your enemy: nope
208. gone skinny dipping: nope
209. met a blogger friend in the flesh: nope
210. Told a white lie: how white are we talking?
211. told a secret you swore not to tell: nope
212. stolen anything: once
213. misused an swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: can't say that I have
214. Been on TV: nope
215. Been on Radio: nope
216. Been in a mosh pit: nope
217. Been to a concert: nope
218. Been to a rodeo: nope
219. Been on a talk show: nope
220. Been on a game show: nope
221. Been on an airplane: yeah
222. Been arrested: nope
223. Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name: nope
224. Dated one of your best friends: nope
225. Loved someone so much it made you cry: can't say that I have
226. Decieved someone close to you: yeah but only to protect them and myself
227. Broken the law: do it every day on the Highway
228. Got to ride on a fire truck: nope
229. came close to dying: yeah
230. Cheated on a b/f g/f: nope
231. Gave someone a piggyback ride: yeah
232. Terrorized a baby sitter: I had cool babysitters
233. Made a mud pie: nope
234. Had a dream you were falling off a cliff: nope
235. Snuck out of the house at night: yep
236. Had a eating disorder: nope
237. Felt like you didn't belong: when don't I
238. Felt like a 3rd Wheel: see #237
239. Had your tonsils removed: nope
240. Gone to Camp: nope
241. Won a bet: yep
242. Written a love letter: nope
243. Written a love poem: nope
244. gone out of your way to be with the one you love: nope
Questions 245-254 are sillier than the rest of these or somebody can't count
255. Kissed in the rain: nope
256. Slow danced with someone you love: nope
257. Stolen a kiss: nope
258. Asked a friend for relationship advice: yep
259. Had a friend steal your g/f b/f: nope
260. Watched a sunrise/sunset with someone you love: not at the moment
261. Gotten a speeding ticket: nope
262. Done jail time: nope
263. Had to wear a uniform to work: yep
264. Won a trophy: yep
265. Thrown up in public: nope
266. Bowled a perfect game: not yet
267. Failed/got held back: unfortunately
268. Got perfect attendance in grade school: yeah right
269. Roasted Pumpkin seeds: no. should I?
270. Taken ballet lessons: nope
271. Attempted Suicide: nope
272. Cut yourself: on accident
273. Did you play with Barbie's: nope
274. Did you own Troll's: yep
275. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: nope
276. Did you play Simon Says: un huh
277. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: nope
278: Did you wet the bed: I don't remember or I don't wanna remember
279. Did you believe that there were monsters in the closet or under the bed: nope
280. Did you wear underwear with days of the week on em: nope
281. Did you go to the circus: not til I was 15
282. Did you go to the zoo: yep
283. Did you build snowmen: yeah
284. Did you cry when you scraped your knees: you would too!
285. Did you think Slinkies were cool: they still are!
286. Did you think the Ninja Turtles lived in the sewer: you mean they don't?
287. Did you have slumber parties: un huh
288. Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, curtains and well anything: nope
289. Did you drink out of a sippie cup: nope
290. Did you belive in the Easter Bunny/Santa Clause/Tooth Fairy: well who doesn't at 2 or 3?
291. Were you Shy: still am
292. Were you spoiled: no
293. Were you abused: no
294. Were you in a car accident: nope
295. Were your older cousins mean to you: nope
296. Were you afraid of the dark: no
297. Do you believe in Aliens: something has to explain my family
298. Do you believe in Bigfoot: the Monster Truck!
299. Do you have any hidden talents: well if they are hidden then I don't know em now do I?
300. Do you wish that MTV wouldn't play music videos: MTV whats that?
301. Do you play sports: racing counts!
302. Do you believe in God: saved me on many occasions
303. Do you believe in Santa: only when I get stuff
304. Do you believe there is a Heaven: well I'd hate to think all this is for nothing
305. Do you believe in Hell: Don't wanna find out
306. Do you own a pool table: I wish I did but I dunno where I'd put it.
307. Do you have a Pool: right outside my window I see one
308. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yep!
309. Do you like Chocolate: sure do!
310. Do you need therapy: people claim I do
311. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance: nope
312. Do you think your good looking: somedays
313. Do you drive: yes
314. Do you like to burn candles or incense: ewww
315. Do you do yoga: nope
316. Do you have your own credit card: yeah
317. Do you have a checkbook: ya
318. Do you Tan easily: yep, burn quick too
319. Do you untie your shoes when you take em off everytime: nope
320. Do you carry weapons on you: nope
321. Do you catch yourself using online terms in realife: nope
322. Are you an artistic person: I'd like to think so
323. Are you a realistic person: my strong suit
324. Are you a strong person physically: I think so
325. Are you a strong person emotionally: I'd say so
326. Are you a deep sleeper: yeah
327. Are you a likeable person: supposedly
328. Are you a good story teller: not really
329. What do you think people think of you: too much thinking!
330. What would your movie star name be: William Walter
331. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: too many to list
332. What is your dream car: umm I dunno
333. What is the natural color of your hair: blonde
334. What is on your 2004 calendar: I dunno I threw it away.
335. What is your ideal way to die: old and happy
336. What is your weakness: emotions
337. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen: I dunno
338. How do you release stress: Go Karts have never seen such punishment, hehe
339. How many Fillings do you have: 3
340. How many fillings did you have on your last dental visit: none
341. How many kids do you want to have: I dunno
342. How many CD's do you own: less than 20
343. Would you ever sky dive: I dunno the plane seemed like a nice place to stay
344. If you were to star in a movie what kind would it be: A comedy
345. are you afraid of Rollercoasters: was, but 2001 changed all that
346. Wished on a shooting star: nope
347. Best Halloween Costume you wore: Driving Suit
348. Name someone or something you can't get enough of: Racing!
349. Describe yourself in three adjectives: Determined, shy, fun
350. Future Daughters names: wha?
351. Future Sons names: see #350
352. Worst feeling in the world: lonlieness
353. Best feeling in the world: winning at something you have worked hard at.
354. Last thing you downloaded: MSN Messenger 7.0
355. Three things next to your computer: picture of my family, miniature aluminum race jack, TV
Yay! You put me in #195! *does a happy dance* Dan didn't, so now I love you more than him. Umm...not that I ever loved him more than you. Anyway...what were those questions you didn't answer that were "stupid"? I need to know! Damn my curiosity!
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, May 01, 2005
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