The Random Musings of a Man

Friday, October 21, 2005

7 to go

Only seven more weeks, 35 more school days, until I finally escape this school and start my journey towards a career. I still need to do some more work on my resume, and I got some really good advice from my parents of what I need to include in it, and hopefully it'll come out looking really really good.

Work has been a pain the past couple days, and today was the day that finished everything off... we sent out 3 and a half truckloads of mattresses, which is a whole lot more then we do in two days much less then in 1 day. I shouldn't complain, it was all set and ready to go when I got there and the trucks came pretty early to get everything out the door. Its still just a pain and time consuming and not much fun :(

I'm just glad its finally the weekend, and its that much closer to me taking my roadtrip to Canada :)


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