The Random Musings of a Man

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Writers block...

I was gonna really write about something today. Honest. I swear I was. And then I forgot, and then I started thinking about other stuff, like money, and people and food. So I decided that this wasn't top priority, and this update would be short and sweet.

I'm stuck, what do you write about when you feel like there isn't anything new and exciting happening to write about. Its a pain in the butt feeling, but you work through it, because there are 5 people who religiously visit this blog, and they are my best friends and family I have. I'm glad they do, cause otherwise I'd be out here a lonely person. So thanks a lot guys, you listen to me ramble and bitch about my days, and always leave cool comments, or atleast Amanda does. Thanks for all your support.

Wow this turned out all nice and sappy, and I had no idea what I was writing about 4 minutes ago, whoohoo for ADD and randomness!


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