The Random Musings of a Man

Monday, January 09, 2006

Why is it...

...that a guy can try to screw up such a good thing so easily? I have the best girlfriend in the world and she is so great to me. But damn Bill, you can be a real big idiot sometimes. I'm really really lucky I have her and she understands me and works with me so well. Without her I'd be so lost and alone. I'm just glad that she see's good things in me and she puts up with the bad to get the good. I'm the luckiest man alive to have what I have, and my girl deserves a medal for having to put up with me.

Heck my mom deserves one too for dealing with me, my dad and my sister. I dunno how girls do it, how they control the chaos around them and keep families and relationships together, but they deserve to be commended, because with out that there would be a lot of lonely men in this world. Thanks Amanda for understanding me, and being such a great support to me, even when I don't deserve it and even when I deserve to be kicked to the curb.


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