The Random Musings of a Man

Friday, May 13, 2005


Oh man today had the best of the best in it and today was the worst of the worst now. We'll start with the good stuff because I'm still happy about that and its helping me get through today.

Well Today was End of Phase for my Automatic Transmissions class, the Day where we all decide whether we move onto a different class or not. Well I figured that this would be my hardest class to get through before starting on the NASCAR stuff, and well I kicked the End Phase test's butt. a 27 out of 30 on the Lab test and 20 out of 20 on the Written test portion. I ended up with a 96 % average and should have raised my GPA up to 3.89 or 3.90 now. And I made it through the class without missing any time so I must say that I am really really happy about that.

Now onto the Bad News, Today at work I should have known something was gonna be up when my friend there told me that they might be talking to me about something, but I sure wasn't expecting what I got. Oh Bill, by the way we don't need you on Monday or at all this week. I knew that they were gonna cut back on some people's hours but they went and cleaned house, Every single part time person that worked there got fired this afternoon.

I have gone from jubilation to the frustrated stress of wondering how I'm going to pay my bills in about 3 hours. and not having tomorrow to litter the landscape with resume's isn't gonna help me, but maybe I should go and try to see what Busch Series/Nextel Cup teams would be interested in my services now.


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