The Random Musings of a Man

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So gas prices are out of control..

Yeah, I wasn't happy when gas went to 2 bucks a gallon, but I never thought I would see the day where gasoline would cost three dollars a gallon, Its going to affect everything I do, from where I live to where I work because I can't afford to drive the miles I'm driving right now to work and school. Its really frustrating too, because I was hoping on trying to go see Amanda again soon, and now with gas being so expensive I can't afford to drive to see her. And its not like I don't want to go do things, its just putting too big of a strain on me right now. I'm already dependent on my parents for so much, and they do so much for me, that the little bit I get to spend on myself at the end of the month isn't gonna go very far now....

I don't know how long these prices are going to last, I can't see them staying for long, but then again I said that when prices hit 2 dollars a gallon...


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